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Dr Céline Hocquet


Dr. Céline Hocquet is a Research Fellow in Labour Exploitation and Human Rights at BIICL.

Céline holds a PhD in law (Birmingham), a Master's in European Public Comparative Law (Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne), a BA in Applied Languages (Strasbourg), and an LLB (Lille). Her main research interests include international and EU Human Rights law, migration, and refugee law/policy. Her PhD focused on EU externalisation policies following the 2015 'refugee crisis', particularly the use of informal cooperation arrangements with third countries. Informed by critical approaches to international law, her doctoral research scrutinised the racialised underpinnings of the EU external border regime. Her thesis was shortlisted for the UACES 2023 Best Thesis Prize in recognition of its original contribution to European Studies. Prior to joining BIICL, Céline taught EU, international, and comparative law at the University of Birmingham.


Dr Céline Hocquet

Research Fellow in Labour Exploitation and Human Rights

+44 (0)20 7862 5151

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